Wednesday 24th May 2017.

If you visit the Marsh now these are some of the things that you can look out for.

The Yellow Flag Iris is just coming on bloom throughout the reserve.

One of the rarities for which the Marsh is a SSSI, is the Brown Sedge.

There are a good number of damselflies flying along the ditches and the pond in the wood.

Also in the ditches you will find the Celery-leaved Crowfoot on bloom.
Ragged Robin can be found throughout the reserve.

The Southern Marsh Orchids are just coming on bloom. They can be found at a number of places but start looking about 25 m down from the entrance.

Also the pale pink Early Marsh Orchids are on bloom. Look in the paddock to the left of the entrance but beware that the ground is very soft and peaty underfoot.

Look carefully along the sides of the paths and you will find the blue flower of Brooklime.

Growing on the water in the ditches you will find an unusual type of duckweed, the Ivy-Leaved Duckweed.

You can hear Cetti’s Warbler in the scrubby parts of the reserve. In the wetter areas there are Reed and Sedge Warblers. The Cuckoo has been calling regularly now for the past fortnight.
Enjoy your visit!


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