Many of the posts which would previously have been put on blogspot are now going on to 'Marsh People' WhatsApp. However, these posts are necessarily brief therefore it is proposed to continue posting longer items on this media. One of the features of the winter 2024 has been extensive flooding on numerous occasions, in many instances hindering work during the winter months.
Yellow Rattle and Ragged Robin. May 22nd 2020.
It is a great year for both of these plants on the Marsh. The Yellow Rattle is found concentrated in areas where there are grasses and sedges which it can semi-parasitise. It is nowhere near as common in the Blunt Flowered Rush community because this does not lay itself open to becoming parasitised by this plant as it has an altogether different root and stem structure. Ragged Robin is scattered over the wetter areas and is more prolific this year than it has been for a long time.
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